
Tag: nextcloud

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Our collaborative cloud storage service

Our collaborative cloud storage service is included by default with all of our hosting offers. Each email address created within a domain hosted by Oxegena provides access to a shared space of 60 GB. Our solution is based on Nextcloud, an open source application actively developed since 2016. Nextcloud is composed of:…
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Nextcloud: receive files securely

When your contacts wish to send you large files (> 25mo), sending by email is no longer possible. Then use Nextcloud by creating an accessible folder for the upload. In the following scenario, the goal is simply to share a folder where your contacts can upload files of any size. Each uploaded file is scanned by…
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Outlook & Nextcloud synchronization

Synchronize your Outlook client with our Nextcloud platform, in order to share your calendars and address books transparently on all your devices: laptop, mobile & tablets. Outlook does not integrate synchronization with the CardDav & CalDav protocols by default. Thanks to the open source plugin Caldavsynchronizer, adding a Nextcloud account to your Outlook profile…
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Nextcloud: share your files securely

If you want to share several files and avoid the usual limit imposed by mail servers of around 25mb per message, use our Nextcloud solution. It is included in our services and simply works with an email account linked to your domain. In the following scenario, the goal is simply to share a large file of ...
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